Multi ex his quae sunt qui in Auto reparabo fabrica et non scientific. Pelagus semi-metallum formula in originali American car habet multum metallum, non audistis multum strepitu? Tumultum non directe ad duritiam, molere discus et strepitus tantum indicant quod productum formula est immatura, et quanto metallum habet nihil facere cum eo. In fact, metal materials in the formula mainly play the role of connecting fillers and heat conduction, at the same time, their own hardness and disc are not very different, will not cause large wear on the disc, the real disk and increase the braking ability is not you see these metals, but you can not see those hardness is harder than the brake disc grinding agent filler they are actually emery, And your common sandpaper, grinding wheel belongs to the same material.
Post tempus: Iun-06-2024