The brake system can be said to be the most critical system of automobile safety, a car with bad brakes is very terrible, this system not only master the safety of the car personnel, and even affect the safety of pedestrians and other vehicles on the road, so the maintenance of the brake system is very important, regular check and replace the brake skin, tires, brake discs, etc. Brake fluid should also be replaced regularly in strict accordance with the maintenance instructions. Si occurrant a currus fregit ratio defectum, oportet primum esse tranquillitas, observe situ in via, et gradum per gradus ad salvum te.
Primo premere duplici migrans terror et statim honk longum satis et cars in itinere expecto tibi.
Secundo, gradum in utraque fregit et experiri ad braking system opus iterum.
Tertio, si fregit non restaurata, celeritas erit velocius et citius in proclivi, hoc tempus tardius trahere handbrake, ut vitare de potestate, si vehiculum est electronic braking in rotam, quia in carcere et electronic braking in rotam, quia in carmina braking in rotam, quia in carcere, quia in carmina braking in carmina, quod est ad dextram et electronic braking in rotam, quia in carmina braking in rotam, quia non est in carcere, quod est melior est in carmina, quod est in carmina braking in rota, quia in carcere et electronic braking, quia carmina et in carmina braking, quia in vehiculum et electronic braking in rotam, quia in carmina braking in carmina, quod est in carmina braking, quia in vehiculum et electronic braking in rotam, quia in vehiculum et hypoul braking, quia carmina, quod est ad dextram in rotam.
Fourth, for manual transmission models, you can try to grab the gear, directly push into the low gear, the use of the engine to reduce the speed, if the vehicle in the downhill or faster speed, you can try the two-foot throttle block method, bang the throttle back, and then use the throttle into gear, with the big foot throttle to open the clutch, the gear will be reduced.
Quintus, si tamen non potest reducere celeritate, necesse est considerare collisionem tardius, attende utrum sint obiecta potest collidentur, meminisse non ledo, tenere gubernaculo rotam et utramque ad minorem collisiones ad fortiter reducere.
Sextus, vultus flores, luto et agros per viam. Si est, non cogitare de ea, coegi in et uti flores et mollis luto tardius ad currus.
Post tempus: Mar 12-2024